~SX(sustainability Transformation)に向けて動き出す社会
SDGsのゴール12は「つくる責任 つかう責任」として、持続可能な消費と生産のパターンを確保することを掲げています。けれども、これからの社会は「つくる」と「つかう」だけでは足りません。これからは、「つくる責任 つかう責任 そして、つながる責任」が求められると感じております。
今年8月経済産業省は、「企業のサステナビリティ」(企業の稼ぐ力の持続性)と「社会のサステナビリティ」(将来的な社会の姿や持続可能性)の両立を図るSX(sustainability Transformationサステナビリティ・トランスフォーメーション)についての提言を行いました元々は企業と投資家の対話の実現と、企業価値の向上を目指した考え方ですが、SDGsの達成には社会のあらゆるスタークホルダーによる『対話』が不可欠であり、これこそが『つながる責任』であることは言うまでもありません。
とくしまSDGs未来会議 加渡 いづみ
Believing that there will be no dawning night
~Society that begins to move toward SX (sustainability transformation)~
2020, which we faced a threat we have never experienced, is about to end.
Thank you very much for your support for the activities of the Tokushima SDGs Future Conference this year.
The Tokushima SDGs Future Conference was established on June 15, 2019 with the aim of transmitting the power to create the future from Tokushima with the dawn of a new era.
The various things we casually use, dress, and eat every day reach us across many borders from production to distribution and sale. The problem with covid-19 is that by breaking a part of those chains, the effects are flooded in many directions like a domino effect, causing more serious damage to vulnerable people and vulnerable countries.
Goal 12 of the SDGs is to secure sustainable consumption and production patterns as "responsible production and consumption". However, in the future society, " production" and "consumption" are not enough. From now on, I feel that "responsible production, responsible consumption, and responsible connect" will be required.
"Dialogue" by all stark holders in society is indispensable for achieving the SDGs.
Respecting the differences in each attribute, position, organization, values, etc. as individuality, and repeating dialogues are the basis of the actions that are required of us now.
There is no night that doesn't dawn. There is no winter that does not lead to spring. Even in the cold winter, cherry blossoms are building up for spring.
The keyword for 2021 is SX(sustainability transformation). A major transformation is about to begin with the aim of building a sustainable society backed by dialogue.
We wish you all the best and hope that the New Year will be a day full of hope.
December 2020
Tokushima SDGs Future Conference
Izumi Kado
「とくしまSDGs未来会議」 設立趣意書
Representative of Tokushima SDGs Future Conference Izumi Kado (Professor of Shikoku University, Junior College)
This time, 16 people who are active in educational institutions, companies and local organizations became the founders, and the Tokushima SDGs Future Conference was established.
In local cities, population decline and declining birthrate and aging are not stopping,and community relationships are becoming scarce. But we love and take pride in the treasures of our hometown that have been handed down in our long history. And we are responsible for handing over the treasure to future generations. Before trying to let someone solve the problem you are having, let's open one of the 17 SDG goals.
SDGs are a guide to the future society. There is no right answer. Above all, the leading role is each of us. Imagine the 2030 society that the SDGs are aiming for and think retroactively what you can do now.
In the last scene of “A drop of hummingbird”, we cannot know what happened to the forest.
It contains a message that the conclusion can be changed by the actions from now.The Tokushima SDGs Future Conference aims to become a great force to change the future from Tokushima as a platform to learn and talk freely about SDGs.
近森 憲助